Our Board & Organization

Yavapai Trails Association is dedicated to protecting, preserving, and developing recreational, non-motorized trails.

There is also a need to help individual communities develop and coordinate their trail systems and to work closely with developers and others to secure new trails and maintain continued access to existing trails.

Yavapai Trails Association is a non-profit corporation with federal 501(c)3 designation, and our operating expenses are funded by dues and donations.  We are supported by many other organizations and recognized by the City of Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Chino Valley, as well as Yavapai County, the Prescott National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management, and the state of Arizona.



Lisa Andrews-Lafoon, President
Bill Fanelli, Vice President
Ameena Azzouni, Secretary
David Fero, Treasurer



Board of Directors:

Bill Fanelli
David Fero
Lisa Andrews-Lafoon
Ameena Azzouni
Kathleen Embry
Wendy Timmel
John Seng – Director of Field Operations

Our major donors & supporters

We would like to thank these individuals and organizations for sharing our vision of protecting and preserving trails in our area.

Jill Anderson

Sandra Collette

James and Dianne Echazabal

David and Eugenia Fero

Dave Fizzell

Barb Frank

Leah Gilbert

Judie Hale

Susie Hehlen

Ann Hendrickson and William Otto
Lisa Lafoon

Susan Lucas

Joyce Mackin

Jan Mallon

Jim Pessin

Bryon and Sally Prinzmetal

Nigel Reynolds

George Sheats

Bill Stafford

Don Swetlik

Contact Us

Yavapai Trails Association
P.O. Box 403
Prescott, AZ 86302
